Schnauzer masterbreed

Schnauzer - New mini litter was born
2023-10-10 16:27:00
New mini litter was born
Salt/pepper mini litter was born from the next parents.

sad Ch. Jin Jan Vigdergaus (Izr)
smiley  IntCh. Silver Senator Wannabee

Details of tem in 2023.M. menu

the pupies are sold
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-10-08 20:45:00
Show news!
07.10.2023.Komárom 3xIDS
Saturday results:
Silver Senator Dilraba        E1,CAC,CACIB,BOB
own: Fülöp Andrea
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba    E1.CAC, ResCACIB
own: Kiss Judit
handler:Csupor Zsófi
Judged: Eoxaba Opris (DK)

HSPK. Yearwinner special show
Ch.Silver Senator Yuna Lim  E1.CAC, Yearw'23, BOS
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Reggae Rose E1.CAC
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba E1.CAC,Yearw'23,BOS,BOSBIS-3
own: Kiss Judit
handler Csupor Zsófi

Int.CH.Silver Senator Thirsa E1. CAC, Best Veteran
handler: Straub Gréta
Judged: Monika Skok (Hr)
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-10-08 20:02:00
Show news!
06.10.2023 Komárom 3x IDS

This show place is not my favorite but we're there
every year  for something
Friday results

Silver Senator Yashanti  Ex1.CAC, CACIB, BOS
handler: Starub Gréta

Silver Senator Fuyao     Ex1,CAC, ResCACIB
handler: Straub Gréta

Judged:Dagmar Klein (Rou)
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-09-15 20:35:00
Show news!
09.09. Kecskemét (H) IDS

Ch.Silver Senator Yashanti  Ex1.CAC,CACIB,BOB
handler: Starub Gréta
Now Ponyo became the International Champion (CIE)
and  a Hungaria Show Champion results

JunCh. Silver Senator Gino Rossi       K2. Res CAC
Tul+ handler: Smoczer Valéria

Silver Senator Fuyao           Ex1 CAC, Res. CACIB
handler: Starub Gréta

Ch. Silver Senator Reggae Rose K1. CAC,CACIB,BOB
Now  Hetes became a International Champion

IntCh.Silver Senator Thirsa  K1. Veteran CAC, Best Veteran
Now Thirsa became a Veteran Champion titel
handler: Starub Gréta

Judged: Dani József Dániel (HU)
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-09-15 15:39:00
Show news!
8-9 sept 2023.
Kecskemét 3xIDS

Well, we come here every year. But this year,
the weather was not the exhibitor's friend.

It was very hot and there was practically no natural shade we spent the days
under a tent.
It affected both humans and animals.
This is precisely why we do not go to exhibitions in the summer. Our results:

The results of 8 sept
Ch. Silver Senator Yuna Lim       Ex1.CAC,CACIB,BOB
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Sirited Away Urge Of Regis   Ex2. Res CAC,Res CACIB
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Reggae Rose  Ex2. ResCAC, Res CACIB
handler: Straub Gréta

IntCH: Silver Senator Thirsa        Ex1.Vet.CAC, Best Veterán

Wachter (D)
Schnauzer - New mini litter
2023-07-03 20:22:00
New mini litter
New s/p mini puppies were born
from the next parents

sad Ch. Spirited Away Urge Of Regis
smiley IntCh. Silver Senator Thirsa

Details are of them in 2023.L. menu

Schnauzer - News!
2023-05-30 15:26:00
Silver Senator Wannabee
our new breeding female.
His parents are impeccably healthy and beautiful dogs.
Her  father is a Italian, and mother was born in Silver Senator
It gives me great pleasure to introduce him now.
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-05-14 15:36:00
Show news!
2023.01.01. Mezőszilas Nemzeti kutya Show
Közelünkben volt, nem hagytuk ki..
Silver Senator Dilraba   KI.CAC
Silver Senator Wannabee KI.CAC, BOB
Bírált: dr Balogh Zsuzsanna
2023.04.15-16 Békéscsaba
Silver Senator Dilraba   KI.CAC,Res CACIB
Silver Senator Wannabee KI.CAC,CACIB, BOB
Silver Senator Reggae Rose KI.CAC,CACIB, BOB
Bíráltak: Denk Csaba & Hans Joachim Dux (D)
2023.04.23. Pécs
Silver Senator Dilraba   KI.CAC,BOB
handler: Straub Gréta
Bírált: Suncica Lasic (SRB)
2023. 04.25. Gradacac (BIH)
Multi CH.Silver Senator Femme Fatale  2x Veteran BIS-1
Tul: Janina Vaculikova (Cz)
2023.04.29. Miskolc
Silver Senator Ace Of Base  KI.CAC,CACIB
tul: Hemmerlein Zoltán & Lánczi Renáta
2023.04.23. Satu Mare (Ro)
Spirited Away Urge Of Regis CAC,Res CACIB
Silver Senator Wannabee KI.2xCAC,CACIB,BOB,BOS
PinTing ezzel a Roman Champion cím jogos viselője.
Bíráltak:O.Sentimrei (UA) & Bíró Zsolt (HU)

2023.05.13.14. Luconec (Sk)
Ch.Silver Senator Reggae Rose CAC,CACIB,BOS
Ch.Silver Senator Wannabee    CAC,CACIB,BOB
Bíráltak: Radványi Tamás & Pettkó Csaba
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-03-27 21:40:00
Show news!
26.03.2023. NDS-Salgótarján
The first CAC exhibition of each year, which we welcome
because of the friends and the good area, arrangement.
And this year not for nothing, we performed well and
had a good day.

Silver Senator Gino Rossi Ex1.HPJ,Best Junior
own:Smoczer Valéria handler.:Straub Gréta

Silver Senator Ace Of Bace Ex1.CAC, BOS
own: Hemmerlein Zoltán & Lánczi Renáta

Silver Senator Holly Dolly Very Promising 1.
own:Fekete Dorisz Diána handler: Straub Gréta

Silver Senator Fuyao Ex1.HPJ
ownl: Silver Senators

Silver Senator Dilraba Exc1.CAC
own: Fülöp Andrea handler: Straub Gréta

Silver Senator Wannabee Ex1 CAC,BOB
own: Silver Senators
Judged:  Vilmos Kardos (HU)

Those cheering on the edge of the circle:
Kiss Judit -Nincivel
Lómen Zsuzsi és Csupor Zsófi- Lottival és Zoéval

It was great that you came!

Schnauzer - Show news !
2023-02-12 13:56:00
Show news !
09-11. febr 2023. Budapest-Fehova IDC Show
The year is always opened by the FEHOVA exhibition series
We appear regularly with good results.

 Silver Senator Gino Rossi ExI. HPJ
Own: Smoczer Valéria  handler: Straub Gréta

 Silver Senator Bonanza   3x CAC,2xCACIB, ResCACIB, BOB,BOS
Own: Beder Krisztián handler: Straub Gréta
10.feb 2023 Budapest TSPK Clubshow
Itt kötelezően részt veszünk…
 Silver Senator Gino Rossi KI.HPJ.Jun Clubwinner’23. JunBIS-1
 Cody became a Junior TSPK Klubchampion and
Hungaria Junior Champion titles
own: Smoczer Valéria  handler: Straub Gréta
Silver Senator Bonanza          KI.CAC
 Tacco became a TSPK Clubchampion title
own: Beder Krisztián handler: Straub Gréta
Spirited Away Urge Of Regis  KI.CAC
 Bohus became TSPK Klubchampion title
own: Silver Senator kennel
Silver Senator Fuyao               KI.HPJ,Jun.Clubwinner’23 
Tul: Silver Senator kennel
Silver Senator Wannabee      KI. Clubwinner’23. BOSBIS-3
Tul: Silver Senator kennel
Silver Senator Kalumba          KI.CAC 
own: Kiss Judit
judged: Szokol Erika (HU)